Flowers in An Orange Vase – Painted on My iPad

It’s often fun to draw and paint quickly; and a necessity when I was busy with little kids!

  1.  A quick zap about in the “Zen Brush” app – using the rich black ink . *I use my finger, rather than a stylus.
  2.  Then, took the pic into “Bamboo Paper” for a wash of colour.
  3.  Followed with a visit to “Art Set Pro”, where I splashed on a bit more colour; and where
  4. next, I whirled around it, with the thin smudge stick.

A fun flowery flight from start to finish.

Have a great weekend!

28 thoughts on “Flowers in An Orange Vase – Painted on My iPad

    1. Thank you! 🙂 It really is good fun, although, this is according to what art apps you use. A lot are of dubious quality and just so awkward to navigate! It took a bit of searching before I found art apps with natural looking media and user-friendly layouts. By the way I love your work; very impressive! All the best, Janette. 🙂


  1. Your blog is tantalising – so much I want to read and view. But I can’t get any pictures up at all! That’s on my iPad. I’ll try on the computer later.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, for your kind comment..hope you find my work tantalising, when you see it! I know that can happen with iPads..though it is sometimes just the fault of the internet!
      I actually built my blog on my iPad; don’t like computers much! It certainly suits me well and I have a lovely logitech keyboard always attached, which helps with all the writing I do. Also stops the keyboard popping up when I don’t want it to! All the best, Janette. 🙂


    1. Yes, drawing and painting on my iPad is good fun! I think you would enjoy all the art apps I use; they are simple, very user-friendly and have lovely natural looking media. I intially thought I’d just use art apps to illustrate some of my poems, (your poems are wonderful!) that I was typing up on my iPad (I don’t like using computers much, I built my blog on my iPad – such a great device)..and things sort of escalated from there! The main one I love to use is, “Art Set Pro”. Two (among a few others) that I also really like are “Bamboo Paper” and “Zen Brush” (These are also available on an android tablet) You can get them free, but it’s worth getting the Pro versions..very inexpensive under $10.00 (Aus). There’s more info on my page, “About Some Art Apps, Other Apps and My Books”. There’s also some great apps for putting your text (poems) onto pictures. Hope this is a help. All the best, Janette. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It looks like fun! Nice work!
    I have to admit I am suffering from lack of time, as well, and I wish it was possible to finish all paintings and drawings I’ve started. Watercolors are faster, take less time, especially, pen and watercolor.


    1. Thank you. 🙂 My iPad art is certainly good fun,and as I don’t have a studio, it saves me setting up time..I can quickly pick up, where I left off.. I do have a room to keep my art supplies in, but it’s too small really to work in. Over the years I would often perch my watercolours, pens,..(I love using them too) on a small portable table that rested on my lap. I could quickly put it away with my art things (often like to work fairly small; A4 size and under) still set up; which was handy when I was busy with the kids – which was most of the time! 🙂 Our four sons are young men now. I still have one son, living at home – which is lovely. He’s in his last year at school, and it still gets very busy here at home. It’s all good; God and family first…just how I like it! And some arty adventures when time permits. All the best, Janette.


    1. Thank you, Maria. And by the way I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I love your poems…my internet was so slow!…the other day I didn’t get to write that on your blog. You have a great day too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you…I think you would enjoy it! 🙂 Some art apps aren’t very good, but the ones I draw and paint in have love natural looking media and are easy to use. My favourite is “Art Set Pro”. All the best, Janette. 🙂


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