Some Drawings and Blog Changes

*I draw and paint with my finger on the iPad screen, rather than use a stylus.

Blog Changes

I have just changed from my “Adelle” WordPress theme, to another responsive theme called, “Sketch”. It allows me to show pics at a larger size and gives a nice clean look around them. I changed my header too and added my name to the blog title. When I built my site (on my iPad) I had lots of fun looking through heaps of themes, and test running a few. I’m quite pleased with how this one has turned out.

Below are a few links to fellow bloggers, whose art I love – who sell their work online.

Sand Salt Moon – and Society6 shop

Portfoliolongo – and RedBubble shop

An experiment – and

I’m glad that I’ve had time in these past 10 months of posting, to lay down some foundational posts – generally following my aims on my “About” page.

Why I’m Turning Post Comments Off  (At least, most of the time.)

Like other bloggers have mentioned, finding time to do posts, can be difficult; and cut into time doing the creative work you want to do and share! A dilemma – especially if you enjoy blogging; which I do.

As a help, I’ve decided to not have comments on for most, if not all, of my posts.  Also, most of my posts won’t be as long, as previous posts.

I have appreciated and enjoyed exchanging comments with many friendly fellow bloggers. So thank you for all your lovely words, and kind comments. They have been quite positive, and often helpful and insightful. I didn’t really reckon on having so many comments, so it’s been kinda nice. *If you have any questions about my art, you are welcome to message me via my contact page, here.

For anyone starting a blog I would recommend having comments. It’s a rewarding experience and it may well suit the type of blog you want to have – and indeed is the usual practice for a blog!

Ferns in a vase
This is a lovely paper surface in the “Art Set Pro” app. Used: charcoal, conte crayon, smudge tools.

However, I don’t think my blog posts require comments for me to share my art and words, in a meaningful way. Also apart from time-wise, I find it sometimes emotionally difficult to keep up with so much social interaction..wanting to say the suitable response and try to be helpful and all that;
I do try not to be anxious about this.

“In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6 WEB

Until I began drawing and painting on my iPad I rarely ventured into the online world; it’s certainly a busy place! Apart from family and the occasional cup of tea with a friend, I really don’t like to socialise much at all.

Primarily, looking after family and my home, are how I spend my days… My art and words fit in around all of this (which is fine).

I hope you’ll still drop by and “like” some of my posts. Though I may not have time to leave a comment on your posts, I’ll still be looking at them – I love to do that. You’ll know I’ve been there, because my “daisies” gravatar will be there when I “like” your post.

You can also find me on my Instagram site, at, “Janette Leeds Art”.

Woman's face
I used: paint, charcoal, smudge tools in the “Art Set Pro” app.

Is a blog without comments, really a blog… I saw a sentence like that on the internet, while I was pondering on these matters. I think it is…hmm, but perhaps, leaning towards being more like a website.

I have gathered, some people think it’s imperative to have comments. But I’ve never been much perturbed or deterred by what other people think – particularly as I get older.

I wonder how I’ll go with writing shorter posts, this one is pretty long! However, I did want to explain a few things instead of abruptly flicking the off switch!

In a couple of days after publishing this post, I’ll turn the post comments off.  Whether, I’ll ever turn that option on again, as a regular thing, not sure.. it’s mostly is a time issue, so I’ll see how it goes. I do hope this will free up more time, so I can continue to share, my art and words here, in the blogosphere.

All the best and happy: drawing, painting, writing, blogging…gardening.. I quite enjoy gardening, when I get time for it!

Have a great day. 🙂

17 thoughts on “Some Drawings and Blog Changes

  1. Hey Janette – Congrats on your new blog and new venture into marketing your art! We have to shed skin in order to grow and growing you are! Will be following your journey. Wishing you much success! – Tom

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you..was going to send you a note about the link…hadn’t quite got there… I did have to search a bit for the link; hope you get a chance to put it in your menu, deserves a prime location! Your art work is wonderful! As always, I look forward to seeing your future posts. – Janette 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your new theme works well to emphasize what’s important: your work. Congratulations–turning off your comments does have a ring of bravery and dedication to your mission to the creative process and its results. I must tell you that for me there is benefit to having other eyes and minds respond to my work. I view it as part of my education. It fascinates and intrigues how what others can see that I may not.I wish you well and success, and, mostly, to fulfill your creative energies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I do also think that comments can be quite valuable in giving and receiving insights into each others work. I’ll miss some of this interaction. However, to some extent I hope a little of this will happen on my facebook artist page; and when time permits, when I comment on someones blog. Actually your comment, gave me a bit of an insight, to add another couple of lines to my post – which I have done. Just to say a bit more about family life – that even though, I hope to free up some more time for my creative projects – my time really is primarily filled with family life…which suits me fine. 🙂
      I do so much enjoy your work and really appreciate you stopping by to comment – I’m sure you have a busy life too! You have a great blog; I enjoy your posts and amazing photos. Look forward to seeing your future posts. All the best, Janette


  3. Janette, thanks for adding a link to my “illustroblog,” as I call it, and to that Redbubble site that I’m playing around with, in large part because of you.
    I look forward to continued contact as you transition, a development that is already evidently infused with limitless grace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Yes, the “Art Set Pro” app, is just about my favourite art app. Though, there are a few more that also have lovely naturalistic media and, importantly, are easy to use. Which makes it all the more fun.
      I enjoy sharing about them on my blog and hope to encourage others to give them a go. I look forward to seeing your future posts…perhaps I’ll see one of your works painted in this app. 🙂 Love your work; looks great on that lovely WordPress theme that you are using! All the best, Janette

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Janet tell
    Good luck with future sales and the blog in general. Fully understand your reasons for turning the comments off and that’s not a problem. Better to spend some more time with your art. You’ll see us with the likes☺. All the best .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Leonie. It’ll be nice to see your gravatar on my posts! I do hope to get more art projects completed; though family life is always my main focus! Hope to stop by for a hello on your blog – when I can. You are welcome to visit me at my facebook artist page…if you have the time.. though no doubt your life gets busy too! I’m certain to “like” your future posts and I look forward to them. Lovely to know a fellow Aussie blogger. 🙂 Have a great day. ~ Janette


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